Kelliefish13's Blog

Travel writing, Poems and Stories

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Today is a bundle of awesomeness.

Reason number 5 – It is holidays
reason number two – its a yummy sunny day that is warm enough for me to go outside with out wearing a million layer
reason number one – I had an awesome day yesterday which involved an awesome pub which had out canvas’ and art supplies so while we had our yummy roast lunch and chatted instead of fidgiting I could draw and doodle to my hearts content. Once finished we could either leave our pic behind or donate some money to whatever charity they were collecting for this week. They do it every Sunday. So much awesomeness! And my favourite part – Its NOT aimed at children! its there for adults. Though I don’t think they would have minded if children did it too, it was there for adults to do. So much fun!
reason number 4 – almost no body knows me here which means I can wear whatever I like, and no one can take photos of me either!
reason number 3 – its Autumn and there are lots of pretty colours everywhere, once the washing is done I am heading out to take lots of pretty photos.